4 Best Pranayama Breathing Exercises for High Blood Pressure


Almost everyone, from teenagers to the elderly, is highly affected by high blood pressure, which is a very common ailment.

A higher occurrence of high blood pressure has been linked to poor lifestyle choices such as eating the wrong things, being inactive, and having trouble sleeping. Stroke and heart disease are more likely to affect those with high blood pressure.

Yoga can help lower blood pressure by bringing these lifestyle changes: exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and stress reduction.

Pranayama, a part of yoga that deals with breathing and its regulation, is highly effective to control blood pressure. It plays a vital role in calming the mind, stabilizing the heart rate, and increasing lung capacity, all of which can directly lower blood pressure.

In this article, we will discuss which pranayama is good for high blood pressure, how it works, and which pranayama one must avoid in case of hypertension.

What is high blood pressure?

When your blood pressure is higher than the normal range, it is typically called high blood pressure (also known as hypertension). Before understanding the situation of high blood pressure, we should first understand what is normal blood pressure.

The force of blood against the artery walls is known as blood pressure.

Systolic blood pressure is the first number, and it represents the pressure in your arteries while the heart beating.

Diastolic blood pressure, or the second number, gauges the pressure in your arteries between heartbeats.


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The Incredible Bond Between Power Yoga And Weight Loss

Strengthen your core and build lean muscles with this fast-paced cardio workout.

Reviewed by Sri Yogi Anand, Registered Yoga Teacher

Written by Shirin Mehdi, BA

Edited by Arshiya Syeda, BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma

Fact-checked by Himanshi Mahajan, BSc (Life Sciences), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach • Mar 8, 2024


Power yoga is different from the traditional yoga postures you usually come across or do at home. It is much like a cardio workout. So, is power yoga for weight loss an option worth trying? If yes, how does it help shed some pounds? And how do you plan your session for it to be weight loss-friendly? In this article, we answer all your questions and dig deeper into power yoga, its overall benefits apart from weight loss, and when not to practice it. So, let’s get started to get your body in shape!

What Is Power Yoga?

A Vinyasa practice, Power Yoga is a fitness-based workout that promotes wellness of both body and mind. It finds its roots in the Ashtanga branch of yoga and shares common qualities and benefits. Much like Ashtanga Yoga, when you practice Power Yoga, your body builds internal heat and increases your stamina and endurance, and promotes better breathing. With regular practice, you become strong, flexible, and stress-free.

Power Yoga is becoming increasingly popular around the world. It gives your whole body a good workout. It is, of course, strength building, and also includes the properties of a good aerobics or cardio session[……]

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What Is Kundalini Yoga


There are so many different forms of yoga out there that it’s difficult to decide which style is for you and when/where you should practice each different method. Here we’ll give you an overview of all things Kundalini Yoga so that you can understand what it is, why you should try it and what the benefits of practicing this style are.

Kundalini is a style of yoga practice that centres around pure/divine energy that is thought to be located at the base of the spine (the area also known as the base/root chakra). The belief is that we all hold this divine energy within our bodies but that it is not until it is activated and channelled upwards through our energy bodies, through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, that we are really able to engage and make the most of this pure, spiritual energy. The name Kundalini is derived from the Sanskrit word “kuṇḍalin” meaning “circular” but as a noun, it also refers to “a snake”. When you put these two words together, you begin to understand the concept of Kundalini energy representing a coiled snake at the bottom of our spines which we then release to rise up through the chakra system.

While both males and females can, of course, practice Kundalini, this style of yoga is often associated with the divine feminine.

History Of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini was first introduced to the public in 1935 through the medium of the “Kundalini Yoga” book by Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati. This book teaches the importance of combining Laya Yoga (the teaching o[……]

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About Karma Yoga


Lord Krishna says in the Bhagwad Gita: “Tasmat sarveshu kaleshu mam anusmara yudhyacha”. Which translates as “Therefore, at all times think of Me and fight”. This means to give the mind to God and the hand to work. Half-hearted service is no service at all. Give your whole heart, mind and soul when you serve. This is very particularly important when you practise Karma Yoga.

Some people have their body in one place, mind in another place, and soul in another place. This is the reason why they do not attain any substantial progress in the path. Do not forget not the goal of life amidst selfish activities. The goal of life is Self-realisation!

The mind is programmed so as to always expect something in return for little work. When you smile at someone you expect a smile in return. When you raise your hand in salutation, you expect a salute in return. Even when you give a cup of water to another man, you expect him to be grateful. When such is the case how can you perform Nishkama Karma Yoga? We must prepare the mind for Karma Yoga by applying diligently to selfless service with the right mentalality. In other words practicing selfless action.

A true Yogi does not see any difference between menial and respectable work. It is the ignorant man who makes such a difference. Some aspirants are humble in the beginning of their spiritual career. However when they acquire the name, fame, followers, admirers, devotees and disciples, they become victims of pride.

By purifying the heart thr[……]

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Jnana Yoga: The Path to Spiritual Wisdom

Yoga started as a way to help the mind feel better and find happiness. Over time, it changed and grew, offering different ways to practice. These include Karma Yoga, which focuses on helping others, Bhakti Yoga, centered on devotion, Raja Yoga, emphasizing meditation, and Jnana Yoga, which is about understanding oneself. Jnana Yoga is seen as the toughest, needing strong determination and intelligence.


Understanding Jnana Yoga

Jnana, a term from Sanskrit, means “knowledge or wisdom.” Jnana Yoga, then, is a path toward understanding the true nature of reality through practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and contemplation. Essentially, it’s about becoming aware of the absolute consciousness.

In this practice, the mind is used to explore its own nature and rise above its identification with thoughts and ego. The main aim is to break free from the illusionary world of maya, which consists of self-limiting thoughts and perceptions, and merge the inner Self (Atman) with the universal consciousness (Brahman). This is done through consistent practice of mental techniques such as self-questioning, reflection, and conscious illumination.

Jnana Yoga relies on focused meditation on a single inquiry to peel away the layers of illusion created by our concepts, worldviews, and perceptions. This helps in realizing the temporary and illusory nature of maya and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things.

As Swami Sivananda put it, Jnana Yoga isn’t something you can grasp simply thr[……]

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What is Jivamukti Yoga

Jivamukti Yoga is a dynamic and spiritually focused practice that originated in New York City in the 1980s. Created by Sharon Gannon and David Life, this yoga style combines physical postures, meditation, chanting, and ethical principles to help practitioners connect with their inner selves and the world around them.


What is Jivamukti Yoga

At its core, Jivamukti Yoga seeks to promote a sense of compassion, non-violence, and environmental activism, making it a popular choice for those seeking a holistic approach to wellness.

The benefits of Jivamukti Yoga go beyond just physical health. By practicing this form of yoga, individuals can experience increased strength and flexibility, improved mental clarity, and a greater sense of inner peace.

Key Takeaways:

Jivamukti Yoga is a spiritual and physically focused practice that originated in New York City in the 1980s.

It combines physical postures, meditation, chanting, and ethical principles to promote inner harmony and connection with the world.

Jivamukti Yoga emphasizes compassion, non-violence, and environmental activism.

Practitioners can experience increased physical strength and flexibility, improved mental clarity, and a sense of inner peace.

The benefits of Jivamukti Yoga extend beyond just physical health.

Understanding Jivamukti Yoga Philosophy

At the core of Jivamukti Yoga is a rich philosophy that sets it apart from other yoga practices. Founded in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life, Jivamukti Yoga emphasizes compass[……]

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Unlock the Benefits of Forward Bends with Iyengar Yoga


These courses highlight the unique benefits of forward bends, such as improved flexibility, enhanced spinal health, and stress relief. Iyengar Yoga’s emphasis on precision and alignment transforms these seated asanas into powerful tools for mind-body balance. By understanding the intricacies of each pose, our courses empower you to achieve a deeper, more mindful practice, paving the way for a transformative yoga experience.

Understanding Forward Bends

Forward bends are a group of yoga asanas where the body bends forward from the hip joints, stretching the back and leg muscles. These poses range from simple to complex, targeting flexibility in the hamstrings, spine, and hips. They are known for their calming effect on the mind and can be beneficial for relieving stress.

Intermediate Forward Bends: Bridging Basics to Advanced in Iyengar Yoga

The Intermediate Iyengar Yoga Forward Bends 10-Part Online Course is designed as a bridge between beginner and advanced practices. It focuses on building a solid foundation in essential forward bend poses like Paschimottanasana, Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, Upavistha Konasana and Janu Sirsasana, while introducing students to more complex variations. The course emphasises proper alignment, the use of props for enhanced flexibility, and techniques to safely progress in practice, making it ideal for those looking to deepen their understanding and execution of forward bends.


Forward Bends 101

The first class in the intermediate cour[……]

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