The 5 Points of Sivananda Yoga
Proper Exercise (Asanas), Proper Breathing (Pranayama), Proper Relaxation (Savasana), Proper Diet, Positive Thinking (Vedanta) and Meditation (Dhyana).
1 Proper Exercise – Asana (yoga pose)
Proper exercise act as a lubricating mechanism for the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other parts of the body, by increasing circulation and flexibility. The fundamental difference between Yogic exercises and ordinary physical exercises is that physical exercise emphasizes violent movements of the muscles, while Yogic exercises promote slow and conscious movements of the body, thus avoiding the build-up of lactic acid in the muscle fibers, avoiding fatigue.
The main purpose of exercise is to increase circulation and the intake of oxygen. This can be achieved by simple movements of the spine and various joints of the body, with deep breathing, and without violent movement of the muscles. Yogic exercises are in fact called Asanas (yoga poses), an asana being a steady pose.
Yogic exercises, when done correctly, influence and positively energize all the systems of the body: the circulatory system, the muscular and skeletal systems, the endocrine system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, and most importantly, the nervous helps us develop humility, compassion, and unconditional love. Through faith, prayer, and worship, we surrender ourselves to a higher power and transform our emotions into unyielding devotion. This sublime love eliminates restlessness a[……]