Jnana Yoga, The path of knowledge
Introduction of Jnana Yoga:
Jnana Yoga is one of the three classical types of Yoga and is termed the “Yoga Of Meditation”. As per Advaita Vedanta, Jnana Yoga is defined as the “absolute consciousness awareness” that can be achieved through study and meditation. The key to jnana Yoga is Intellect.
Jnana yoga is the yoga of knowledge — not knowledge in the intellectual sense — but the knowledge of Brahman and Atman and the realization of their unity. Where the devotee of God follows the promptings of the heart, the jnani uses the powers of the mind to discriminate between the real and the unreal, the permanent and the transitory, good and bad, and right and wrong.
The path of knowledge, or Jnana Yoga, is the experiential knowledge of the Self. The literal translation of Jnana or Gyana is “knowledge.” This path emphasizes a process of gaining wisdom through a cognitive engagement with the divine. Though one begins on this path by reading scriptures and listening to talks by spiritual masters, knowledge ultimately becomes experiential and becomes ingrained in the seeker through divine grace.
There are two ways of Jnana Yoga Practice.
Bahiranga Saadhanaa (External Practice):
Viveka (Discrimination):
When you observe that change happens constantly, and at the same time recognize the unchanging nature of the divine being within you, then you experience discrimination. Even though our bodies, thoughts, and emotions renew and fluctuate, the part of you that witnesses this process doe[……]