6 Effective Acro Yoga Poses For A Healthy Body


If you have mastered the art of traditional yoga and want something new, try giving it a touch of acrobaticsi . If you are up for a challenge, you must try doing the most effective acro yoga poses.

Acrobatic yoga or acro yoga is ever-evolving, giving it plenty of scope for experiments. Out of the many such fun and thrilling acro yoga poses, we have shortlisted the seven most effective postures for you to get started with.

It is almost impossible to perform these poses if you are new to yoga or acrobatics. So, beginners should first make their foundation strong to get there eventually.

Before we go ahead, let us first understand what acro yoga is all about. Keep reading!

What Is Acro Yoga?

Acro Yoga is a partner-based exercise that combines yoga and acrobatics. In this method, you use gravity and your body weight to strengthen and stretch in poses with complete breath control. Its uniqueness lies in increasing your physical capabilities and coordination by several notches.

The practice involves engaging with another person and building trust with them to support and be supported during a pose. Acro Yoga encourages constant verbal communication, unlike solo practice where we spend time solo.

Acro Yoga is all about working together in a seamless flow and building partnerships. By blending movement, connection, and play, Acro Yoga is highly useful and inspiring.

One of the oldest demonstrations of Acro Yoga is that of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, a well-known yoga guru, with a chi[……]

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The Myths Around Yoga Nidra Versus the Reality

Myth 1: It is just deep sleep


Although the body is relaxed with a similar experience of deep sleep, yoga Nidra is much more than that. It helps us disconnect from the outside world to reach a dreamless state, where we can channelize our negative thoughts in a positive, productive manner. One becomes more aware of oneself and one’s inner thoughts, which later helps in making decisions and leading your life in a stress-free manner.

Myth 2: It is Similar to a High

Although you may have a similar experience, in the beginning, Yoga Nidra is not equivalent to the high you get after consuming an intoxicating substance. It moves your consciousness into a deeper and more productive state, where you can think clearly without any baggage. And psychic sleep does not give you false hopes or assumptions about your life. Rather, it brings you closer to reality.

Myth 3: You do not need sleep if you practice Yoga Nidra


The two are widely different from each other, even if the terms are similar. Sleep is essential to promote brain health, as well as skin health and other organs of the body. Psychic sleep cannot replace that altogether. So, you need both to lead a healthy and positive life. Besides, Yoga Nidra helps us explore our consciousness positively and calmly and ensures clarity of thoughts.

Myth 4: It Helps Divert your Mind from Negativity

No, it does not. Yoga Nidra increases your mind’s capability to process negative thoughts, like anxiety, stress, depression, anger, sadness, and mo[……]

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Yin Yoga is a deep, rewarding practice that synthesizes the contemplative power of meditation with the energy-enhancing properties of yoga and pranayama. It is a perfect complement to active lives and yoga practices, and suitable for practitioners of all levels. Enhance your teaching and discover new ways to explore the body-mind connection using the tools of Yin Yoga in a training that combines hands-on didactic teaching and powerful psychospiritual inquiry.

In this immersive training, you learn

The principles of Yin Yoga

Pranayamas that support the energy body in Yin postures

An understanding of the meridian and organ systems and how they relate to Yin Yoga

How to heighten your observation skills.

Return home ready to safely and competently lead others in the practice of Yin Yoga.


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Vinyasa Yoga and Why You Should Try It


If you’re looking for a style of yoga that feels more like a dance workout and less like a slow-paced and restorative practice, consider vinyasa. Vinyasa involves moving quickly from one pose to the next in a flow. As you move through postures and sequences at a faster pace, you increase your heart rate.

“The hallmark of vinyasa is the organic flow of breath and moment. It literally means ‘to move in a special way’ and that special way is with awareness,” says Jonah Kest, a Nike trainer and vinyasa and ashtanga yoga instructor.

In vinyasa flow yoga, you synch movement with every inhale and exhale. For example, you inhale during the lengthening phase or the expansion part of the pose and exhale as you move into the deeper part of the pose, according to the American Council on Exercise.

Many people refer to vinyasa as a form of ashtanga yoga, where there is one breath for each movement. Other styles of yoga, such as hatha yoga, tend to be more rigid and require you hold a pose for a few seconds before moving into another posture. But with vinyasa, the free flow is like a dance, and your breath is your partner, Kest explains.

You can expect to do traditional yoga poses and postures, such as downward-facing dog pose, plank post, upward-facing dog pose, forward fold pose, and warrior I, II, and III poses, as well as sequences that involve sun salutations, binds and twists in a vinyasa class.

Now that you know what vinyasa is about, read on to learn some of the benefits of followi[……]

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Discover the Viniyogaa pedagogy which proposes a personalized practiceadapted to the specificities of each person. Can’t find a yoga style that really suits you? The problem may not be the discipline you practice but your approach to it!Introduction



Before we begin to trace the history of Viniyoga, here are some interesting facts to know if you have never heard of this “style” of Yoga:

The word Viniyoga belongs to the classical Yoga, it is found in chapter 3, sutra 6 of the book of Yoga-Sutra by Patanjali. It was traditionally associated with meditation, but nowadays it also concerns postures and breathing.

It is not really a style of yoga but more a lineage that has inspired many yoga masters over the years.

Viniyoga is also called “Madras Yoga” after the place where the method was developed or “Desikachar Yoga” after the master who created it.

It brings together all forms of practice but with a particular intention of transmission, as close as possible to the needs of each student.

The French Federation of Viniyoga defines its concept as “a specific pedagogy of Yoga“. So it is not the yoga that is different but the way the teacher transmits and teaches it.


As you can see, Viniyoga is not a style of yoga in its own right, but rather an approach to yoga that can be adapted to each practitioner. But how and where was it created?

It is in India, at the beginning of the 20th century that the master T Krishnamacharya developed this current of th[……]

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5 Days Tantra yoga retreat in Nepal


The 5-days tantra yoga retreat takes you on a journey aimed at understanding the working of the universe. Along the way, you will develop skills in meditation, breathing, and hatha yoga. Through the meticulous comprehension of the minor details, then only will you be able to interpret the mysteries of the universe. The journey to such a miraculous feat includes self-enlightenment as well.

During your time in this retreat, you will not only learn tantra yoga but you will learn about hatha yoga as well. As we dwell deep in the subject matter, you will gain valuable insight regarding meditation and controlled breathing exercises. A combination of yogic teachings and quality food will put you a step closer towards achieving your goal.

In a nutshell, the 5-days tantra yoga retreat is a knowledgeable and fun getaway that will provide you with a much-needed insight into the yogic world.


This retreat program not only provides you with much-needed relief but helps you to observe life from a new perspective. The class lasts for 5 days and in these days, you will take part in a variety of activities. We apologize for not being able to provide exact details of this retreat as this getaway revolves around the palm of the teacher.

However, we can provide you a timetable and description of the activities that you will do in this retreat.

Schedule of Tantra Yoga Retreat

6:00 am: Wake up and drink green tea/herbal tea

7:00 am: Morning Hatha yoga session

8: 00 am: Breakfast

9: 00 am[……]

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Sivananda Yoga Opening and Closing Prayers


If you’ve ever been to a yoga class at one of the Sivananda Ashrams or Centers around the world you probably remember the opening and closing prayers that the teachers chant at the beginning and at the end of each yoga class.

I have tried to find the text of these prayers online without any success. So I decided to write them down and include them here for anybody who might be interested in learning these prayers.

It doesn’t matter which yoga tradition or lineage you follow, you can use any of these mantras to start or end a yoga class, or during your own yoga practice.

The Sivananda Yoga opening prayer, the Dhyana Slokas, is very specific to that tradition, and it’s a bit too long. So I have also included a shorter Sanskrit prayer (sahanaa bhavatu…) that is commonly chanted at the beginning of every yoga class.

To help you with the Sanskrit pronunciation I have additionally included some YouTube videos with the recording of these prayers.

I’m sure this will be very useful for both, yoga teachers and yoga students.

If you do find this helpful then you can show your support by subscribing to my newsletter here so that you can follow me on my yoga journey. Once you subscribe you’ll be able to download my free meditation e-book.

Sivananda Yoga Opening Prayer –– Dhyana Slokas (Gajananam)

In the Sivananda Yoga tradition, at the beginning of every yoga class, lecture or personal sadhana the practitioner chants the Dhyana Slokas (Gajaananam Boota Ganaadhi Sevitam…).

The purpose[……]

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