Sivananda Yoga & the Divine Grace Ashram


Yoga offered by the Divine Grace Ashram

We are grateful and honored to share the blessings of Swami Sankarananda and the Divine Grace Ashram – now an integral part of ChocolaTree’s grander vision. Together, we now offer weekly co-sponsored events including, Sivananda Yoga classes around the valley, yearly larger “Holyday” celebrations, and seasonal gatherings like our Christmas sold out feast, or our ongoing Soup for the Soul Wednesdays in the lounge, at ChocolaTree.

What we practice is Sivananda Yoga, a classical and holistic healing system, which stretches and tones the entire body. Sivananda Yoga helps both body and mind gain and maintain a natural healthy state. The practice emphasizes proper exercise, relaxation and breathing – each ninety-minute Asana practice begins with breath work and closes with a full body and mind relaxation.

Yoga, simply put, means union. Union of the individual with the supreme, or union of one’s body, mind, and spirit so that our actions, our words, and our thoughts are in alignment. Yoga is not a religion but a spiritual practice that can be incorporated into one’s daily life no matter what religion you follow, whether it is Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, or Atheist.


The teachings of Yoga go far beyond simply physical exercise or stretches. Even the Asana part of Yoga, which is not purely physical, has mental and spiritual benefits.

By closely observing the lifestyles and needs of people in our modern world, Swami Vishnudevananda synthesized the ancient wisdom of Yoga into 5 basic principles, which can easily be incorporated into your own pattern of living, to provide a long, healthy and happy life.


The five points of Yoga are:

Proper Exercise – Asanas

Proper Breathing – pranayama

Proper Relaxation – Savasana

Proper Diet – Vegetarian

Positive Thinking and Meditation – Vedanta and Dhyana

The Body is a vehicle for the soul, and has specific requirements, which must be fulfilled for it to function smoothly and supply the optimum mileage.

Proper Exercises act as a lubrication mechanism for the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and other parts of the body by increasing circulation and flexibility. Yogic exercises are in fact called asanas, or steady pose; when done correctly, influence and positively energize all the systems of the body. In terms of muscles, yogic exercises not only strengthen the muscles but also stretch them. There is a great emphasis on the flexibility and the youth of the spine. The correct postures are performed with awareness and concentration, accompanied by breathing and relaxation. Thus yogic exercises affect not only the physical body but also the astral body, the energetic body and the mind. The body and mind are put in alignment or in harmony. Yogic asanas prepare the body and mind to be strong for further practice of concentration and meditation.


Proper Breathing: Yoga emphasizes breathing using the diaphragm. Increase the intake of oxygen though deep inhalation and release the toxins appropriately through our deep exhalation. Breathing techniques (pranayama) are devised to further purify the nadis, balance the breath and the energy in our system, and to store and channel the subtle energy (prana) for higher purposes. Balance the regulation of the harmonized breath helps the Yogi to regulate and steady the mind.

Proper Relaxation techniques such as Savasana cool down the system. Our hectic modern and fast lifestyle brings about physical, mental and spiritual stress. Stress comes from our difficulty to adapt to new challenges, and our lack of vital energy (prana) to cope with demands. Physical relaxation removes tension and allow the flow of prana, mental relaxation keeps the mind focused on neutral and uplifting objects like the sound of the breath or the mantra OM and from withdrawing the mind from sensual stimulations. Spiritual relaxation comes when we connect with our Inner Self and become a detached witness to the body and mind. Retiring the body. Mental and emotional stress comes from a hectic lifestyle, highly demanding jobs, distractions of the mind, low vitality due to lack of prana, and negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealously, fear and anxiety. Physical relaxation, mental relaxation, spiritual relaxation is a deeper type of relaxation, when we become contact, a detached witness of the body and mind.


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The 5 Points of Sivananda Yoga


Proper Exercise (Asanas), Proper Breathing (Pranayama), Proper Relaxation (Savasana), Proper Diet, Positive Thinking (Vedanta) and Meditation (Dhyana).

1 Proper Exercise – Asana (yoga pose)

Proper exercise act as a lubricating mechanism for the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other parts of the body, by increasing circulation and flexibility. The fundamental difference between Yogic exercises and ordinary physical exercises is that physical exercise emphasizes violent movements of the muscles, while Yogic exercises promote slow and conscious movements of the body, thus avoiding the build-up of lactic acid in the muscle fibers, avoiding fatigue.


The main purpose of exercise is to increase circulation and the intake of oxygen. This can be achieved by simple movements of the spine and various joints of the body, with deep breathing, and without violent movement of the muscles. Yogic exercises are in fact called Asanas (yoga poses), an asana being a steady pose.

Yogic exercises, when done correctly, influence and positively energize all the systems of the body: the circulatory system, the muscular and skeletal systems, the endocrine system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, and most importantly, the nervous helps us develop humility, compassion, and unconditional love. Through faith, prayer, and worship, we surrender ourselves to a higher power and transform our emotions into unyielding devotion. This sublime love eliminates restlessness and distraction and opens the heart to seeing everything as a manifestation of the divine. Bhakti Yoga is practiced through meditation, chanting, singing, inspirational talks and celebrations.

Spine Health

In terms of muscles, Yogic exercises not only strengthen the muscles but also stretch them. There is a great emphasis on the flexibility and the youth of the spine. Swami Vishnudevananda said: “flexible spine, flexible mind.”

The correct postures are performed with awareness and concentration, accompanied by breathing and relaxation. Thus Yogic exercises affect not only the physical body but also the astral body, the energetic body and the helps us develop humility, compassion, and unconditional love. Through faith, prayer, and worship, we surrender ourselves to a higher power and transform our emotions into unyielding devotion. This sublime love eliminates restlessness and distraction and opens the heart to seeing everything as a manifestation of the divine. Bhakti Yoga is practiced through meditation, chanting, singing, inspirational talks and celebrations.

Body – Mind

Through the systematic and rhythmic holding of the postures with breathing and concentration we come to a state of relaxation in the posture, where the prana (or chi) is allowed to flow unobstructed through the nadis to all the organs, cells and parts of the body, revitalizing them.

The body and mind are harmonized with each other, removing tension located in the different parts of the body and the mind. Also, in this process, the body and mind are put in alignment or in harmony with their ruler, the Inner spirit, thus giving to the practitioner a deeper sense of well being and meaning.

Yogic asanas prepare the body and mind to be strong for further practice of concentration and meditation. Other exercises that can be complimentary to the practice of Yoga are swimming and walking. Yoga doesn’t promote any excessive exercise or the kind of exercise that develops only one aspect of the body to the detriment of other parts.

Furthermore, yoga doesn’t consider any exercise without awareness as a Yogic exercise. Yogic postures (asanas) are internally oriented, non competitive, and meditative, promoting calmness and helping the practitioner to transcend identification with the body; this is as opposed to our over-attachment to the body and to external beauty. To learn more check out our upcoming

2 Proper Breathing – Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)

Yoga emphasizes breathing correctly (the Yogic full breath using the diaphragm). We substantially increase the intake of oxygen through deep inhalation and release the toxins appropriately through our deep exhalation. Yoga teaches us to be constantly aware of our breathing patterns, and to breathe consciously in our daily life. Specific breathing techniques (pranayama) are devised to further purify the nadis (energy pathways), balance the breath and the energy in our system, and to store and channel the subtle energy (prana – life energy) for higher purposes.

The word Hatha is composed of the words Ha and Tha, which mean sun and moon, respectively. This refers to the balance between the prana vayu (the positive vital air) and apana vayu (the negative vital air).

Prana (vital air) in the body of the individual is a part of the universal breath. The regulation of the harmonized breath helps the Yogi to regulate and steady the mind. Pranayama needs to be practiced by all serious Yoga practitioners. Advanced practices need to be done only by those already practicing a pure lifestyle, and it is recommended that you put yourself under the supervision of a teacher in a pure environment, like an ashram.

3 Proper Relaxation – Savasana

Relaxation techniques, such as Savasana, cool down the system like the radiator of a car. When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their efficiency diminishes. Relaxation is nature’s way of recharging the body. The state of our mind and the state of our body are intimately linked. If your muscles are relaxed, then your mind must be relaxed. If the mind is anxious, then the body suffers too.

3 Levels of Relaxation

We can say that there are three levels of relaxation: physical, mental and spiritual; there are also three levels of tension, or stress: physical stress, mental stress and spiritual stress. Relaxation is actually very scientific. Physical stress comes from poor eating habits, sedentary living, repetitive movements of the body, and poor posture. Modern life, especially in big cities, is full of stress as modern working and living conditions are full of pressure, and devoid of prana and relaxation.

Mental and emotional stress comes from a hectic lifestyle, highly demanding jobs, distractions of the mind, low vitality due to lack of prana, and negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, fear, and anxiety. The solution is to achieve the three levels of relaxation.

Physical Relaxation

Physical relaxation is achieved through the systematic practice of conscious relaxation (Savasana) and correct posture.can say that there are three levels of relaxation:

Mental Relaxation

Mental relaxation is achieved through correct breathing, concentration of the mind and positive thinking. A distracted mind is always anxious. A mind concentrated on a positive object is more relaxed and recharged.

Spiritual Relaxation

Spiritual relaxation is a deeper type of relaxation, when we become content, a detached witness of the body and mind. Through complete relaxation we live in the solid present, overcome our fears of death and of the future, and welcome life’s demands with strength and courage, able to guide our mind, control our desires and choose better priorities.

4 Proper Diet – Vegetarian

Correct nutrition and diet gives proper fuel for the body and the mind without creating toxins and digestive problems. Optimum utilization of food, air, water and sunlight is essential.

There is medical evidence that a balanced vegetarian diet is extremely healthy and provides everything the body needs. The Yogic vegetarian diet is sattvic (pure), and helps to calm the mind, and to reveal the spirit as well as nourish the body. The body needs food for two purposes: as fuel to supply energy, and as materials to repair body tissues. For repairing and building tissue, the body needs: 1. protein; 2. carbohydrates; 3. fats; 4. minerals.

These elements are found in larger proportions in vegetable tissue than in animal tissue. Nuts, peas, beans, soy bean products like tofu, and milk contain protein. Wheat, oats, rice and other grains are mainly carbohydrates. All protein foods and vegetable oils provide the fats, and the main supply of organic minerals and vitamins comes from fruit and vegetables.

A vegetarian diet is a natural diet, fresh and wholesome, full of fiber and alkaline in nature, energy producing, and easy to absorb and to eliminate.

Sattvic Diet

To maintain a sattvic diet, free from rajasic and tamasic influences, avoid stimulants and depressants such as caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs of all kinds, overly spicy food, onions, garlic, overcooked food, old food, frozen food, canned food, sodas and processed foods, as well as all meat.

Yogis advocate “ahimsa”, the principle of non-violence, non-injury and respect for life. Everything our body and mind needs for growth can be provided from the vegetable kingdom.

By avoiding eating animal flesh we nourish ourselves in a natural and healthy way.

The vegetarian diet helps in the performance of asanas as the body and the joints becomes more flexible. It is a wonderful way to prevent heart disease, arthritis, obesity, and a good remedy for many chronic diseases.nutrition and diet gives proper fuel for the body and the mind without creating toxins and digestive problems. Optimum utilization of food, air, water and sunlight is essential.

Gradual Change to Vegetarian Diet

Changing to a vegetarian diet can be gradual and life transforming. It consists not only in deciding to stop eating meat, but in learning a new way of life, by being conscious of how you nourish yourself.

It includes not only being aware of what you eat, but also how you eat. Yogis promote taking time to cook, and to eat consciously in a regular manner, with appropriate intervals between meals to allow the digestive fire to activate and digest the food.

Blessing meals is also encouraged to sanctify the act of eating and for offering thanks to the Creator.

Proper diet includes periodic fasting as well, to give a break to the digestive system, purify body and mind, and to make the mind more perceptive, more sattvic, and more conducive to concentration, contemplation and meditation.nutrition and diet gives proper fuel for the body and the mind without creating toxins and digestive problems. Optimum utilization of food, air, water and sunlight is essential. Gradual Change to Vegetarian diet

5 Positive Thinking and Meditation

Just as a driver of a car manages to bring himself to his destination without accidents and setbacks, so the yogi learns to manage his mind and emotions in order to keep him positive at all times. Positive thoughts are energizing and facilitate growth, while negative thoughts are draining and inhibit growth.

Only with a positive outlook about oneself can one can maintain a meditative life which will ultimately lead to intuitive knowledge and inner strength. Techniques, such as Savasana, cool down the system like the radiator of a car.

When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their efficiency diminishes. Relaxation is nature’s way of recharging the body. The state of our mind and the state of our body are intimately linked. If your muscles are relaxed, then your mind must be relaxed. If the mind is anxious, then the body suffers too.


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Sivananda Yoga 101: All About The Vedantic Yoga School Based On Selfless Service

Sivananda Yoga is a style of yoga that was founded by Swami Vishnudevananda. It is a system of yoga postures or asanas and relaxation techniques that is encapsulated in a 90-minute class.

Vishnudevananda named the school and system of yoga after his guru Swami Sivananda. The teachings of Sivananda have been incredibly influential to other teachers and styles of modern yoga.

In this article, we’ll take a look at:

The Sivananda method: principles, asanas, benefits

Swami Sivananda

Swami Vishnudevananda & Abuse Allegations


What Is Sivananda Yoga?

There are many types and styles of yoga, which range from Restorative to Rocket Yoga. Sivananda combines elements of Vinyasa Flow with Hatha Yoga to create a balanced approach to yoga.

Sivananda Yoga features a substantial amount of sun salutations which require you to take a breath with each movement. They generally feature in the warm-up section of the practice.

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Sivananda Yoga is a fusion of movement and relaxation.

While the sun salutation element will get your heart rate up and your body moving, the more static postures, which are held for a longer period of time, encourage you to relax the body and the breath, making it a very balanced practice.

A long savasana and meditation are used to promote relaxation.

Sivananda practices combine yoga asana with pranayama, meditation, and relaxation as a way to gain control of the mind.


Sivananda Yoga is an approach to living well which includes a healthy approach to vegetarian eating as well as positive thinking. Mastery of the mind is key – this is a mind, body spirit practice.

The five key principles of Sivananda Yoga are said to reduce stress and improve energy, as well as focus the mind and create a sense of connection to the universe. These principles were honed by Swami Vishnudevananda. They are:

1. Asana

This entails the physical postures and movements that make up a class. An asana practice makes for a healthy body and can help calm the mind.

2. Pranayama

This is the use of breathing exercises. Prana means energy or life force, and learning to harness this energy can help not only with physical health but also with controlling the mind.

3. Relaxation

Optimized relaxation is important for mental and physical well-being. This is different from sitting in front of the tv and zoning out.

Practicing relaxation and reducing stimulation is a super important tool. Yoga is a great way to start learning how to relax – especially in more gentle forms.

4. Meditation

Meditation within Sivananda Yoga includes positive thinking which is said to improve mindset and energy levels.

Meditation is the focusing of the mind – often on a single object. There are many health benefits associated with this practice such as improved sleep and decreased anxiety.

5. Diet

Having a plant-based diet rich in healthy and nutritious foods is an important facet of Sivananda Yoga. Balance is key in this style of yoga, and what you eat is no exception.


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Sivananda Yoga Opening and Closing Prayers


If you’ve ever been to a yoga class at one of the Sivananda Ashrams or Centers around the world you probably remember the opening and closing prayers that the teachers chant at the beginning and at the end of each yoga class.

I have tried to find the text of these prayers online without any success. So I decided to write them down and include them here for anybody who might be interested in learning these prayers.

It doesn’t matter which yoga tradition or lineage you follow, you can use any of these mantras to start or end a yoga class, or during your own yoga practice.

The Sivananda Yoga opening prayer, the Dhyana Slokas, is very specific to that tradition, and it’s a bit too long. So I have also included a shorter Sanskrit prayer (sahanaa bhavatu…) that is commonly chanted at the beginning of every yoga class.

To help you with the Sanskrit pronunciation I have additionally included some YouTube videos with the recording of these prayers.

I’m sure this will be very useful for both, yoga teachers and yoga students.

If you do find this helpful then you can show your support by subscribing to my newsletter here so that you can follow me on my yoga journey. Once you subscribe you’ll be able to download my free meditation e-book.

Sivananda Yoga Opening Prayer –– Dhyana Slokas (Gajananam)

In the Sivananda Yoga tradition, at the beginning of every yoga class, lecture or personal sadhana the practitioner chants the Dhyana Slokas (Gajaananam Boota Ganaadhi Sevitam…).

The purpose is to help us tune with the Divine within and to overcome the ego which can become an obstacle during our practices.

According to the Sivananda Ashram Prayer Sheets that I received during my yoga TTC:

“The Dhyana Slokas helps to tune the mind to the Divine in its different aspects. It makes us feel like instruments and helps to remove the tamasic-rajasic ego. Divine guidance is necessary for any sadhana to be successful.

First, we invoke Ganesha to remove all obstacles, then Subramanya to give us strength and destroy all negative forces, inside and outside. Next is Saraswati to give us Divine Knowledge. Then we ask the teacher (guru) to guide us always. We invoke the Divine Mother Durga, Narayani to bring auspiciousness for all our undertakings.”


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Who Can Do Sivananda Yoga


Yogis of all levels can practice Sivananda yoga because of its “mellow” pace and style. It is especially recommended for those who want a holistic, ashram-inspired yoga experience; you will not only learn breathing exercises and asanas, but also practice several hours of bhakti or chanting. If you’re looking to do yoga for stretching and muscle toning, you may be better off signing up for Ashtanga, Bikram, or Power Yoga.

Benefits of Sivananda Yoga

With its added emphasis on spirituality and positive thinking, the Sivananda style of yoga is worth checking out if you want to do yoga for meditation, stress relief, and self-empowerment. It is also a recommended style for older yogis who want to boost vitality and restore or reenergize the body. Sivananda is also great for those who need a positive change in their lifestyle, because this style incorporates diet and positive thinking with every class.

What You Need to Know

Sivananda yoga classes throughout the world start and end with chanting and meditation, and use the same 12 basic poses or asanas and their variations. Sessions usually start with the Sun Salutations, and end in Savasana or Corpse pose. If you’re not open to the idea of vegetarianism, Sivananda may not be the best for you because it also encourages students to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle with the aim of improving digestion and health.

Sivananda yoga is currently being practiced and taught globally by over 10,000 instructors at 17 centers and nine ashrams.Sivananda is one of the slower-paced styles of yoga that focuses more on meditation, breathing, and spirituality. The Sivananda yogic style is currently one of the biggest schools of yoga, and was introduced to the Western audience by Swami Vishnu-Devananda in 1957. The style is based on five branches of yoga philosophy: relaxation / meditation, diet, positive thinking, exercise, and proper breathing.


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