Yoga is a beautiful art that beautifies your life canvas with brilliant colours. This art not only soothes your mind and body but rejuvenate you as a whole person. Every pose is like a different shade of colour which is all set to brighten your life. One such pose that is KAPALBHATI PRANAYAMA YOGA POSE.
This pose is mainly a breathing exercise for the enhancement of the respiratory system. And also marked impact on mental health and intellect.
Relax yourself and sit straight with an erect spine. Placing hands on the knee with palms towards the sky.
Relax your shoulder and close your eyes.
Breath in, focusing on the belly region.
Exhale out while pulling your navel back towards the spine.
While exhalation there should be a hissing sound.
During Inhale, the stomach should be pulled inwards and in exhalation, outwards.
20 such breaths will make the one round of this pose.
Increases blood circulation,
Improves metabolic rate and help in weight loss,
Increases lung capacity and makes them stronger,
Relaxed mind,
Overall improvement of Immune system and various other Health Benefits,
It acts on skin, hair, mind, lungs so on.
Before doing any pose it’s better to consult an expert. Every individual is unique in terms of his metabolism and body posture. What suits one, may not suits the other. So, it is advisable to consult the yoga expert before practising any pose.