22 Day 200Hr Traditional Kundalini Tantra Yoga TTC in Goa
Discover the inner yoga of ancient India, the yoga of awareness and presence, and the secret of absolute freedom! Mukta Tantra Yoga is the traditional Tantra yoga of Kundalini, Tantric asanas and chakras, mantras, meditations, philosophy, Tantric breath, sounds, vibrations, and elements.
Our location in Agonda, South Goa is just 200m walk from the beach, surrounded by nature, coconut trees and lulled by the sound of waves. Onsite, you will find private rooms with attached bathrooms, and our open roof top yogashala with amazing nature and sea view.
Note that there are no sexual activities in our courses as it is based on Indian Traditional Tantra Yoga and not on new-age Western Tantra.
Mukta Tantra Yoga is not Hatha Yoga or Neo Western Tantra or Western Kundalini Yoga. Historically, it is the only philosophy in the world that is not male chauvinistic and doesn’t discriminate between any nationality, class, color, gender, sexuality and religion.
It has evolved very differently in a non-dualistic environment and passed orally from generation to generation in a practical way.
Mukta Tantra Yoga is a golden secret key to absolute freedom. It is the Essence of all Asiatic Mysticism. It is inspired by Traditional Kundalini Tantra Yoga and Kashmir Shaivism (also called Himalayan Tantra, Agama, Trika, etc.) and by Mukta’s Father and various Mystics as well as Mukta’s life experiences.
Therefore this type of yoga cannot be found through self-claimed scholars or their books and it is not a commodity that you can buy. It is a heart-to-heart connection and a direct perspective of a free mind.
Following Tantra is not a goal, rather understanding oneself is being Tantric. Tantra is a signboard to rightly understand oneself. In this way, the awakening of true intelligence can manifest itself.
‘Mukta‘ means ‘free’ or liberated. ‘Tantra‘ is a science to crack the code of our true nature (pure consciousness, bliss, or freedom) which is eternal and always free from body, mind, and feelings. There is no goal to achieve but rather experiencing the true bliss of life which is already there.
Latest News: All travelers, vaccinated and non-vaccinated, are now allowed to enter India, under the provision of Tourist visas and e-Tourist visas (or another visa).