12 Amazing Benefits of Prenatal Yoga


The last two decades have seen an increasing interest in the age-old yogic philosophy and its practices which has managed to create an impact on a global level, especially in the field of fitness and wellness. Yoga as a philosophy has laid down the works for an entire lifestyle that transcends into self-actualization when practiced and studied in depth.

An excerpt from this diverse discourse captures the exercises or asanas that most modern global cultures consider the premise of yoga. These asanas indulge the body’s flexibility and boost endurance to help people attain a healthier lifestyle through better oxygenation of the body. Along with these asanas, there are many breathing exercises and meditation techniques as well that ensure better oxygenation and relax the body and the mind. Within this segment of yoga is a specific section that was designed specifically for pregnancy and is known as Prenatal Yoga.

What is Prenatal Yoga?

Prenatal Yoga is a specific section within the Pranayam and Asanas segment of the Yogic philosophy that is concerned with relaxing and building endurance of the pregnant woman. It focuses on improving body flexibility and relaxes the body during the different trimesters of pregnancy. It also involves many breathing and meditation techniques that help with attaining tranquility during the pregnancy stage. The Asanas are much milder than the usual yogic practices and are designed specifically to prepare the body for childbirth.

The way to move forward is to conduct some self-study on the subject and find a qualified instructor to guide you through the asanas. Always keep in mind that resting and relaxing the body is the most important requirement during pregnancy and that’s why the intensity of the exercises reduces over the span of 3 trimesters. Finding a class that suits your comfort zone will help you reap greater benefits from the class and will help you relax your mind. Prenatal Yoga is a tried and tested practice that has shown to have many benefits and ensures relaxation of the mind and body.

Related Blog: Prenatal Yoga Guide: All You Need to Know

12 Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

When it comes to childbirth, it’s important for a woman to be aware of the changes taking place in her body. A good way to become more comfortable with your body during pregnancy is by introducing prenatal yoga into your lifestyle. Prenatal Yoga has many benefits and is the most pragmatic approach to preparing for childbirth. Since the discipline works around the entire premise of your body and weight, it allows the women to set their own comfort level and practice according to their capabilities.

Here are some of the benefits of prenatal yoga have been comprehensively discussed below:

1. Building stamina and strength – As the baby grows in the womb, it is important for the mother to build her stamina and body strength. The asanas will build endurance and will help the mother relax as the body gets well oxygenated.

2. Relieves tension – Prenatal Yoga can be considered as a low-intensity full-body workout that stretches every muscle and joint of the body and relieves the body of tension. The asanas practiced in this discipline will focus on the lower back, hips, neck, and shoulder regions and prepare the body for childbirth both mentally and physically.

3. Induces better sleep – With better oxygenation of the body and the stretching of muscles and joints, the body tends to move into a relaxation mode which induces deep and healthy sleep.

4. Improves balance – As the fetus keeps growing, the physical load on the mother keeps increasing, along with the increasing release of progesterone and estrogen. The Asanas and meditation help the mother attain a deep sense of body balance and emotional stability.

5. Prepares the body for childbirth – Prenatal Yoga is the best way to prepare the body for childbirth. With increased body flexibility and endurance, it makes the entire process of childbirth easier for the mother. The asanas help open up the pelvic and lower back region which are crucial during childbirth.

6. Increased circulation within the body – The breathing exercises, meditation, and asanas combined together have a deep impact on body circulation. The various exercises help oxygenate the body and improve blood circulation.

7. Breathing during labor – Labor involves many cervical contractions which require the mother to constantly breathe so that the heart rate and blood pressure can be stable as the baby comes out. The various breathing exercises and meditation techniques of prenatal yoga prepare the mother for labor.

8. Increases the connection with the baby – Prenatal Yoga incorporates many spiritual innuendos which can be accessed through the asanas, breathing techniques, and meditation. A better understanding of the body invokes a better pre-birth relation with the baby growing inside. The more relaxed the mother, the more relaxed is the baby.

9. The Prenatal Yoga classes can be a great way to get moral support and create a small community for yourself. As prenatal yoga classes only involve pregnant women, the class can become a great place to find a sisterhood for moral support.

10. Helps with maintaining body weight – Maintaining suitable body weight is crucial during the pregnancy period and hence prenatal yoga asanas are a great way to do this. The asanas build body strength and flexibility and keep a check on the weight as the baby grows within the womb.

11. Relaxes the nervous system – This is one of the greatest boons of practicing yoga. Even within the milder prenatal yoga the asanas and meditation coupled with the breathing techniques help relax the nervous system and promote good health and peace.

Post-Pregnancy Benefits

12. Ensures a faster recovery – One of the greatest benefits of prenatal yoga is its ability to build body endurance and help the body recover faster in the post-pregnancy phase.


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Yoga is a beautiful art that beautifies your life canvas with brilliant colours. This art not only soothes your mind and body but rejuvenate you as a whole person. Every pose is like a different shade of colour which is all set to brighten your life. One such pose that is KAPALBHATI PRANAYAMA YOGA POSE.


This pose is mainly a breathing exercise for the enhancement of the respiratory system. And also marked impact on mental health and intellect.


Relax yourself and sit straight with an erect spine. Placing hands on the knee with palms towards the sky.

Relax your shoulder and close your eyes.

Breath in, focusing on the belly region.

Exhale out while pulling your navel back towards the spine.

While exhalation there should be a hissing sound.

During Inhale, the stomach should be pulled inwards and in exhalation, outwards.

20 such breaths will make the one round of this pose.


Increases blood circulation,

Improves metabolic rate and help in weight loss,

Increases lung capacity and makes them stronger,

Relaxed mind,

Overall improvement of Immune system and various other Health Benefits,

It acts on skin, hair, mind, lungs so on.


Before doing any pose it’s better to consult an expert. Every individual is unique in terms of his metabolism and body posture. What suits one, may not suits the other. So, it is advisable to consult the yoga expert before practising any pose.


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What Is the Difference Between Yoga and Power Yoga?


Traditional Yoga vs. Power Yoga

Well, I guess I’m the best person to answer this question, considering I grew up from age 15 in Traditional yoga. By Traditional yoga, I mean a vinyasa yoga practice I studied in India called Ashtanga yoga. I am also the person who coined the term “Power Yoga.“

The difference between the two is nothing and/or everything. Let me explain. In India, most of the yoga practices are not physical, so right there you could say there are many differences between Power Yoga and most yoga practices.

So, what’s the point of yoga?

The goal of yoga is enlightenment, so you could also say that anything that leads to enlightenment is a yoga practice. Yes, Power Yoga leads to enlightenment, so then you could say there is no difference.

What is Power Yoga and How Do You Do It?

The objective of Power Yoga is to strengthen the benevolent and eradicate the malevolent.

To do this, we have to become aware of our mental state or the places our minds dwell, and with this awareness, we can decide if we want to dwell in the place our mind is dwelling or not. This choice gives us the opportunity to empower or disempower the mind states that benefit (benevolent) us or hinder (malevolent) us. I feel from my own experience, this is aligned with the objective of all yoga, so in that, there is no difference.

To do all this, we take a unique path. Yet if you could understand the thousands of different ways yoga is expressed in India and throughout the world, you could even say taking a unique path is not unique. I feel ultimately a yoga student learns yoga in the style of their instructor, whether it’s poses or exercises or meditations etc. After learning and experiencing this core yoga, the student should then personalize the practice to fit most optimally their uniqueness, so when and if this student one day becomes an instructor, the yoga they share will be what they learned from their instructor, personalized to fit them. This is what I have done. This means this yoga has now changed to some degree and this yoga has evolved over the last few thousand years. Power Yoga is a by-product of this evolution. So in some ways, it’s unique in the sense it is Bryan Kest’s or any of the myriad of instructors who copied this name.

And in some ways, it is not unique at all. So this is what Power Yoga is and how we do it; you have to take a class and see.

One last thing is that Power Yoga is not a style or system of yoga like so many other styles and systems of yoga. There is no consistency in Power Yoga classes throughout the world. It’s basically a cool or stupid name, depending on your opinion, that anybody can use to describe their class and those classes vary greatly. So keep an open mind when attending a Power Yoga class, because you cannot be sure of what you will get, although most of them seem to be physically rigorous like vinyasa flow yoga. I have even heard of a meditation class called Power Yoga.


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kundalini Yoga – 10 Benefits of Kundalini Yoga


Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on spiritual awakening, self-awareness, and physical health. It incorporates a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, chanting, and meditation to create a comprehensive practice that addresses the needs of the body, mind, and soul. Kundalini yoga is an ancient practice that has been passed down for generations, and its benefits have been experienced by people of all ages and backgrounds.

What is kundalini meditation?

Kundalini meditation is a type of meditation that is designed to awaken the Kundalini energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. The Kundalini energy is believed to be a powerful source of spiritual energy that can bring about profound transformation and enlightenment.

During a Kundalini meditation practice, individuals typically sit in a comfortable position and focus on their breath or a specific mantra. The intention is to quiet the mind and bring awareness to the body, allowing the Kundalini energy to rise up through the chakras.

There are many different types of Kundalini meditations, each with its own specific focus and intention. Some examples include:

Breath-focused meditation: This type of meditation involves focusing on the breath and using specific breathing techniques to help awaken the Kundalini energy.

Mantra meditation: Mantra meditation involves repeating a specific mantra, such as “Sat Nam” or “Om,” to help calm the mind and activate the Kundalini energy.

Chakra meditation: Chakra meditation involves focusing on each of the seven chakras and visualizing the Kundalini energy rising up through each one.

Visualization meditation: Visualization meditation involves using the power of the mind to visualize the Kundalini energy rising up through the body.

The benefits of Kundalini meditation are similar to those of other meditation practices, including reduced stress, increased focus, and a greater sense of inner peace. However, Kundalini meditation is believed to be a particularly powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation.

It’s important to note that Kundalini meditation should be practiced under the guidance of a qualified teacher, as it can be a very powerful and transformative practice that requires proper technique and guidance.

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga:

Promotes Physical Health: Kundalini yoga strengthens the body, increases flexibility, and improves overall physical health. It can also help alleviate chronic pain and reduce the risk of injuries.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Kundalini yoga helps to reduce stress and anxiety by calming the mind and relaxing the body. Its emphasis on breathing exercises and meditation can help to lower cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress.

Enhances Mental Clarity: Kundalini yoga is a powerful tool for enhancing mental clarity and focus. Regular practice can improve cognitive function, memory, and decision-making abilities.

Boosts Energy Levels: Kundalini yoga helps to increase energy levels by activating the body’s natural energy centers. This can help to combat fatigue and improve overall vitality.

Improves Emotional Wellbeing: Kundalini yoga can help to improve emotional well-being by releasing negative emotions and promoting feelings of peace and joy.

Strengthens Immune System: Kundalini yoga has been shown to boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells and reducing inflammation in the body.

Enhances Spiritual Growth: Kundalini yoga is a spiritual practice that can help individuals to connect with their inner selves and develop a deeper understanding of the universe. Regular practice can help to awaken the Kundalini energy and bring about spiritual growth.

Experience Holistic Well-being: The holistic nature of Kundalini Yoga addresses not only the physical body but also the mind and spirit. Through a combination of dynamic postures, breathwork, meditation, and mantra chanting, you’ll cultivate a sense of balance and well-being.

Awaken Your Inner Potential: This practice can lead to heightened states of consciousness and personal growth.

Enhance Vitality: Kundalini Yoga’s unique techniques can boost your energy levels, improve circulation, and strengthen your nervous and immune systems. This can result in increased vitality and resilience.


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Karma Yoga Programme



Interested in serving others? In deepening into yourself?Karma Yoga, or selfless service, is the first of the Four Paths of Yoga, and according to the great yogis like Swami Sivananda, it is the foundation on which all Yogic practice is based.

Time and again, great yogis guide us to the wisdom of purifying our heart. There is no better way to achieve this than through selfless service.

Our Karma Yoga programme at the Centre is an opportunity to be a part of a non-profit Sivananda organization that extends the world over – a global community of practitioners looking to do good in the world, to deepen their practice, and to live for something bigger than themselves.

Come experience the unique gifts of Karma Yoga. Open into yourself. Cultivate lasting friendships. Observe the transformation that comes with selfless service.

Serve. Love. Give. Purify. Meditate. Realize.


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Jnana Yoga, The path of knowledge


Introduction of Jnana Yoga:

Jnana Yoga is one of the three classical types of Yoga and is termed the “Yoga Of Meditation”. As per Advaita Vedanta, Jnana Yoga is defined as the “absolute consciousness awareness” that can be achieved through study and meditation. The key to jnana Yoga is Intellect.

Jnana yoga is the yoga of knowledge — not knowledge in the intellectual sense — but the knowledge of Brahman and Atman and the realization of their unity. Where the devotee of God follows the promptings of the heart, the jnani uses the powers of the mind to discriminate between the real and the unreal, the permanent and the transitory, good and bad, and right and wrong.

The path of knowledge, or Jnana Yoga, is the experiential knowledge of the Self. The literal translation of Jnana or Gyana is “knowledge.” This path emphasizes a process of gaining wisdom through a cognitive engagement with the divine. Though one begins on this path by reading scriptures and listening to talks by spiritual masters, knowledge ultimately becomes experiential and becomes ingrained in the seeker through divine grace.

There are two ways of Jnana Yoga Practice.

Bahiranga Saadhanaa (External Practice):

Viveka (Discrimination):

When you observe that change happens constantly, and at the same time recognize the unchanging nature of the divine being within you, then you experience discrimination. Even though our bodies, thoughts, and emotions renew and fluctuate, the part of you that witnesses this process doesn’t change. Identifying your own ability to witness is a purpose of Jnana Yoga.

Vairagya (Renunciation):

Also translated as dispassion, vairagya involves an attitude of acceptance and a lack of feverishness for anything. By becoming less attached to the pleasures and pains of the world, and by remaining active and enthusiastic regardless of the fulfillment of desires, you can experience the second pillar of knowledge and be free of unsatisfied cravings and aversions.

Shatsampatti (Six signs of Wealth):

Shama, the first wealth, is the tranquility of the mind.

Dama, the second wealth, is control over one’s own senses.

Titiksha, the third wealth, is endurance or forbearance, or not getting shaken by what happens.

Uparati, the fourth wealth, is rejoicing in or being with your own nature.

Shraddha, the fifth wealth, is faith, or recognition of the unknown.

Samadhana, the sixth wealth, is contentment or being at ease, calm and serene.

Mumukshatva (Constant Striving for Freedom):

From within, you desire the best. Total freedom, enlightenment, and the highest longing should be the goal of the yogi. All of these pillars and wealth already reside within you, although you don’t know they do. Still, you have the ability to conceive of the possibility of attaining them. This deep longing for the ultimate experience of bliss is the fourth pillar of knowledge.

Antaranga Saadhanaa (Internal Practice):

The first stage is called Sravanam, which literally means listening

The second stage is called Manana, which literally means contemplating or remunerating facts in your head.

The third stage is called Nididhyasana, which literally means meditating. At this stage, the student meditates and this leads to expansion into the Truth.

Knowledge and spiritual evolution:

Knowledge gained solely by reading or hearing may give rise to an attitude of “I already know it all,” which feeds the ego and can be an obstacle in one’s spiritual evolution. No amount of reading or information intake can equate to a direct experience of the Self, which is why it is important to understand the difference between the wisdom of Jnana, which is connected to grace, and factual information.

Wisdom, or experiential knowledge of the Self, brings surrender and devotion into one’s life. Jnana is the highest knowledge; It’s wisdom that discriminates between that which changes and doesn’t change, that which is unreal and real.


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10 Reasons Why We Love Jivamukti Yoga

Jivamukti Yoga is one of the most powerful and structured practices for one to experience yoga. It does not shy away from the spiritual aspects of the practice, and can be both physically and emotionally challenging. Each open class starts with opening chants, followed by teachers sharing their personal stories as well as teachings from the founders of the practice. Its signature flow of music then kicks in to cheer you along vigorous flows of yoga sequences. The best bit? Proper meditation that lets you be. It is a practice that is loved and respected by many around the world and is definitely one of our favourite forms of yoga practice. Just be warned – it can be addictive!

Here are the 10 things that make us fall in love with the practice.

1. Picking the right class

There are a few types of classes you can choose from, especially if you are new to Jivamukti: the basic class, the spiritual warrior and the open class. The basic class is usually part of a 4-week course that allows someone to learn the basics of yoga. The spiritual warrior class allows those who are short of time to practise within an hour. An open class comprises of a 90-minute session that encompasses the 5 core tenets of the Jivamukti practice. From learning more about ancient scripture (Shastra), to offering your intent of devotion (Bhakti), the practice also focuses on practising kindness to others and yourself (ahimsa). We especially love the focus on music (nada) and meditation (dhyana). There are centres all around the world.


2. To chant or not to chant

What we love about Jivamukti yoga is the richness of the practice. Many teachers start their practice with a scripture of choice, demonstrated in a form of chanting and reading. Even if you are not used to chanting, it is a great way to experience by being in a room of people who are comfortable doing so. Use it as a chance to immerse yourself in the vibes of music and let go a little.


(Photo via instagram.com/pashupayogi)

3. On being authentic in their own way

One thing that sets Jivamukti yoga apart is their founders. Apart from being founded with a nice, balanced partnership between Sharon Gannon and David Life, it also embraces the spiritual aspects of the practice. And in return, students love the practice more because it enriches not just their bodies, but also spirits. Every month, the founders update their focus of the month. This cascades to teachers around the world, and the resulting energy, if you believe such a thing exists, is pretty magical.


4. Striking the balance

Do not be deluded that Jivamukti classes are easy. After learning more about the focus of the month through the teacher and opening up with the chanting, most classes then move on to warm-up exercises and a tremendously energetic flow of sequences. The great thing about Jivamukti classes is that they are less rigid than Ashtanga sequences which are usually followed religiously but are more structured than most Hatha classes where one teacher’s sequence can be wildly different from that of another. We love that each teacher at the Jivamukti studio incorporates their interpretation of the main sequence, but still offers a sense of focus, and at times variations, for individuals to develop and grow.


5. Who thought music in yoga class can be… that good?

We thought we were yoga ‘purists’ and preferred to practise without music… until we started going to Jivamukti class! Perhaps because both Gannon and Life are musicians, music is essential to the practice. From the moment the physical sequence begins, most teachers would start playing energising, soulful music of their choice (and yes, sometimes pop music, too!).

We have to confess, it feels pretty good when the whole class moves and grooves with you!

6. If you don’t try, you’ll never do it

One of the most surprising things for us is the emphasis on trying. During an open class, many postures are practiced to warm yourself up for forearm stand (Pincha Mayurasana) and handstand and you are encouraged to jump and try. Make sure you let your teacher know where you are with your practice. One of us made the mistake of jump-starting pincha and over-extended the shoulders. It was not a big problem, but we could have avoided that if we had chosen to listen to ourselves more.


7. Hands-on adjustments, and plenty of massage…

Perhaps because of the influence of practising with Pattabhi Jois who popularised Ashtanga yoga in the West, Jivamukti yoga thrives on physical adjustments. In every class, the teacher will start with one student and work his/her way up to adjust everyone in the class. And if you fancy, you can book an in-class private session.


(Photo via instagram.com/yogastickler)

For about US$120 per hour, you will have a teacher adjusting every move of your practice – with additional massage to ensure you enjoy the most blissful Savasana (corpse pose) ever. Don’t worry if you are not prepared for that much though! Even for regular students, there are plenty of teachers who bring in aromatic oil and give them head and neck massage, plus shoulder adjustments while you are in Savasana. Hmmm… Heaven.

8. Dare to be different

Having founded Jivamukti yoga in NYC, Sharon Gannon and David Life remain two of the leading forces who revolutionised yoga in the West from being a form of gym exercise to a spiritual and physical practice that is both holistic and compassionate. We love how Gannon recounted to her friends that the Jivamukti studio started in the heart of NYC with no air-conditioning and that they Om-ed and chanted in classes*. Surprisingly so, people from all walks of life flocked to become their students, looking for a soulful refuge in times of change and uncertainty. Gannon and Life provided a sense of humility, spirituality, and grounding – rare qualities at the time and rare even today.


9. Speaking the truth

Jivamukti yoga does not stop at just asanas (physical practices). It is proud of its beliefs and activism. As a strong advocate for veganism and environmentalism, Gannon creates many delicious recipes that involve no animal products. At the Jivamuktea Cafe, one can also sample many scrumptious dishes that are good for both your body and your soul.


10. Preparing for your first practice

Can’t wait to try out Jivamukti yoga? Here are a few things to keep in mind before your first class:

The studios provide mats and towels, although you may save a few dollars/pounds if you bring your own.

In their New York headquarters, there are shower facilities in the changing rooms. Although be warned, there are no clear signs for hair dryers and there is only one shower in the ladies’ bathroom for those with lovely locks.


There is only one shower at the Jivamukti studio in NYC, but it’s always clean and the wait is never that long


The shower is always clean, but there is only room for one. There is coconut soap but no shampoo or conditioner

Do not, we repeat, do not practice on a full stomach! Jivamukti yoga is vigorous and you may get a bit of indigestion if you have previously eaten.

Make sure you let the teachers know about any injuries or quirks before the class as most teachers seem not to make a point of asking beforehand.

If you are practising in NYC, try the vegan taco toast with an enlightened smoothie after class. Divine combo. Boom.


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